2021 Rexburg, Idaho

OS-ES, or Ordinary Shot- Extraordinary Shot, is a new skill I learned in my Professional Imaging class. My teacher learned this technique from another photographer and wanted us to try it out. This new technique makes you think outside of the box with photography. The first image you take should be of an ordinary spot. Someplace that doesn’t seem unique or special, or what you would consider a boring location or object for a photo. The second photo is where you think outside of the box and take a super cool photo using different angles and lighting. Below are some of my shots that I took using this method.

I hope you enjoy!

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Ordinary Shot, Car, Subaru

I decided to do mine at nighttime and use my LED light that was in my light kit. The first one is of my car. My teacher encouraged us to find the most ordinary spot so that we can really tell the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. I played around with a lot of different angles before I captured the shot you see below. This is a really cool technique that isn’t hard to accomplish and apply with any type of photography.

Extraordinary Shot, Car, Subaru, Logo
Ordinary Shot, Plants, Nighttime

This is the second area that I tried out this technique. This is just outside of my apartment. I really liked how my extraordinary shot turned out. I used a shallow depth of field so that the leaves would really stand out. The ordinary shot to extraordinary shot technique is a great way to branch out of the most common way to photograph and see the beauty in the places and objects around us. I try to implement this in all of the different styles of photography that I’ve learned.

Extraordinary Shot, Leaves, Nighttime, Close Up

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
— Elliott Erwitt
